
'And now I'm going to do it completely different…'

Wednesday 17 August 2016

I just read that half of the Dutch suffer from the so-called 'post-holiday dip'. Only a small majority enjoy going to work after the summer holidays. 46 percent are reluctant, according to research by Synovate. This was followed by a message about National Relaxation Day, a day in America to sit on the couch without feeling guilty. Mind you, if you have a day off. You would almost think what the hell we are doing.

I myself have just been back on Dutch soil for a week. For nine days I stood with a blissful smile on my surfboard, on the beautiful waves on the west coast of Portugal. Once on the plane, back to Nederland , I was overcome by a feeling of discomfort, listlessness and maybe even a little melancholy. Questions such as 'Am I still happy with my existence in Nederland ?' or 'Shall I start a new life in Portugal?' come to mind. Brainstorms like "I'm going to be a surf teacher" or "I'm starting a coffee shop on the beach" just won't leave me alone.

Are we really doing something wrong or is that infamous post-holiday syndrome 'just' part of it? The way in which Active vacation According to researchers, we eagerly look forward to the weekend or long back to our holiday destination has everything to do with the way we view our work in general. The work pressure is often high, work and leisure are diametrically opposed. Pleasure and relaxation should also be found in work and self-development and ambition in leisure. This is the only way to create a healthy balance.

The art of relaxation

Holiday does us good. We are happier, healthier and more relaxed than just staying at home. After a full year of work, sprinting home for a quick bite to eat and then hitting the gym, I realized during my vacation that I was indeed happier at that moment. But is that our existence? Only feeling top notch during those 2, 3 or, crazy, maybe 5 weeks of vacation a year? Can we actually still manage to relax? And how do we do that? Or maybe we have forgotten it?

At the helm of your life

I am now over my holiday slump. And yes, I'm just back to work and picking up my daily gym visits again. The thoughts about emigration have given way to new goals, both on a personal and business level. And it is precisely through the temporary release from obligations (vacation) that these goals have become clear. I am completely free to make my own choices, I am at the helm of my life. No one forcing me to go to the office or the gym every day. So why a post-holiday dip when you yourself are the one who determines how you organize your life.

Plan the campaign

After a short holiday dip, I experienced again that blissful feeling that I had in Portugal last weekend. With my surfboard on the waves along the coast from Domburg . One of my new personal goals: to learn to surf well. Because why do we only do certain activities during a holiday? Enjoy that French brie baguette in the Dutch sun, stroll through the alleys of your own city and catch those rays by going outside during lunch.

Recovering in Portugal Easier said than done? Nonsense, the choice is yours. You can continue to deny, but you can also further develop those fantasies during your holiday. Was it just a holiday dip and are you satisfied? Fine, nothing more to do. But do certain thoughts come up every time during a holiday? Write them down but stay realistic. Set yourself some new goals that give you energy.

Checklist 'How to avoid a post-holiday dip'

  • Outdoor air is healthy

On average, on an average working day, we are outside for half an hour. On holiday we spend hours on the beach or stroll through the woods. Just seeing greenery has a stress-reducing effect and the large amount of daylight we catch makes us feel happier and sleep better.

  • You decide

Deadlines, orders and guidelines: you often cannot avoid this in your work. But you decide whether you feel like reading a book or going to that birthday. Several studies have shown that a sense of autonomy has a positive effect on our functioning and well-being.

  • Look through a different lens

Don't think of work as the opposite of your free time. When you can partially relax at work, you have more energy in your private life. Expand your social contacts in the workplace. Een chat at the coffee machine, the decision not to send an email but to walk by or take a break together, all moments of relaxation.

  • your ritual

Maybe you immediately put on your sweatpants when you come home after a long day at work. Or take a walk through the garden. These kinds of rituals allow you to let the work slide off you, it has a de-stressing effect. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as it works for you.

  • Plan your next vacation

We are good at procrastinating. In fact, it never really works out because of projects on the shop floor or a colleague who goes on vacation during the same period. Set a period for your holiday and the anticipation starts immediately. Where are you going? Will it be an adventure trip or a lazy holiday? Not terribly annoying to think about.

Kyra Joosen

I am Kyra Joosen, communication specialist at employment agency Actief Werkt! In addition to writing about the   temporary employment industry and everything that comes with it, I am also responsible for internal and labor market communication