As an employer of 6000 flex colleagues every day, we think it is important that they work safely. Those who are fit and healthy at work are happier at work, with more energy. It improves your employability and thus also increases your chances on the labor market. We therefore provide tips about working safely , information about safety risks and we make personal protective equipment available.
Do you work in a production company, with machines or with chemicals? There is a good chance that you will come into contact with serious safety regulations. You may have had to undergo special training for it. But safety is also an important theme if you work in a warehouse, shop or office environment.
A healthy basis
When you are physically and mentally 'fit', you are happier, healthier and more productive at work. It goes without saying that you stay fit and healthy by getting enough sleep and eating healthy. It is not always easy, but it can be fitted into our working life. But how do you keep moving if you work full-time?
Sitting is the new smoking
The Health Council's exercise guidelines were recently amended. There is growing scientific evidence that people who sit still and move little have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and die earlier. According to the new physical activity guidelines, adults should exercise at least two and a half hours of moderate-intensity exercise every week.
Don't have time to go to the gym? Then ask yourself what you can do to keep moving. With some creativity and good will you can go a long way.
Tips to keep moving
• Consciously park your car a little further away.
• You can easily do balance exercises when you are refueling, ironing or brushing your teeth. It is good for your muscles and helps to reduce back, hip and knee complaints.
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
• Walk up to your colleague if you have a question, instead of calling or emailing.
• Don't take a pitcher of water or coffee with you to your desk, but seize the opportunity to make some meters towards the kitchen.
• Lunchtime walks always give you a boost. Don't let your shoes be an excuse, just bring a pair of sneakers.
• Exercises for behind your desk can be found via Google and Youtube
Good tips, or open doors? Often we know what we can do, but we need to be reminded every now and then. If you have any additions, please let us know!