
Quarrel at work? That's how you solve it neatly

26 June 2018 -

Do you work in a warehouse and do colleagues sometimes fight each other? Or do you work on a construction site and someone 'borrowed' your hammer unsolicited? Annoying to say... But there are always ways to resolve quarrels and promote a good working atmosphere . How to deal with disagreements in the workplace:

Sometimes put a pan on your head

Not a real pan of course. We are talking about an imaginary pan here, as a kind of shield against negativity. Suppose your colleague is having a bad day or is taking something out on you. That can happen to anyone. Try not to take it personally right away and let it pass for once. Especially when it comes to something small. If the annoying behavior gets out of hand and concerns you personally, you take action and address your colleague in a normal way. By addressing someone about their behavior, you prevent small irritations from becoming major irritations.

Fight fire with fire

It is common knowledge that you cannot fight fire with fire. The same goes for quarrels. Negative reactions only provoke more negative reactions. Instead of putting all your energy into a spirited discussion, stay positive and not focus too much on it. Do not stoop to the level of your abusive colleague, but make sure that you come across as professional at all times. Make the situation negotiable in a calm manner and hold up the mirror to the other person with concrete examples. So don't just say things. It is often the case that the other person also calms down in the long run if you remain calm.  

Don't wage a cold war

With unresolved disagreements, the tension remains, until one day it spirals out of control. It is therefore good to talk things out. Are you unable to resolve the quarrel with your colleague? Then it is smart to bring in a third party, such as your manager. In many cases, a manager can mediate in a dispute. All parties benefit from having the dispute resolved quickly. Such an argument is not only bad for the working atmosphere, but also for the success of the entire company.  

Don't be an ass

An argument is never fun, especially when you know that the other person might be right after all. You just don't want to see this, but that doesn't make the fight any better. It never works out between two stubborn donkeys. That is why you should check with yourself whether you can change the situation with your behavior. For once, accept you're wrong or make a compromise. Should it be the case that your colleague wishes to remain a stubborn donkey and is the quarrel really beyond resolving? Then the work atmosphere is so ruined that it might be a good idea to switch jobs.    

You are not alone. Een good working atmosphere is very important, because you spend a large part of your life at work. Then it must be fun! We are happy to help you on your way to your ideal job. Contact us without obligation   or view our vacancies   .