
What can you do if you suffer from bullying and harassment at work?

26 October 2021 -

Bullying, exclusion, discrimination and (sexual) intimidation unfortunately occur in the workplace. The consequences can be serious and it can happen to anyone. It doesn't mean you're weak, it happens to assertive people too. What can you do if it happens to you? We give tips.  

It is not always easy to sound the alarm, but it is very important. The longer it goes on, the harder it is to get out. Talking is an important first step. It is often a huge relief to be able to tell your story. Do you work as a temporary worker? Then you can always tell your story to your contact person at the employment agency or to the confidential adviser. But it is also important that you tell your story at the company where you work. Your contact person at the employment agency can help you with this.  

Tip 1: Be alert to signs of bullying

The sooner bullying is recognized and addressed, the greater the chance of success. Do you feel restless or anxious, are you being treated badly or excluded? Then you don't have to wait until it gets worse, but you can immediately discuss matters with someone you trust. This can be a colleague, your manager, someone from HR or a confidential adviser.

Tip 2: Ask for an explanation

Is someone making an annoying comment to you? Then you can confront them about it. This may require some guts, but it's important that you set your boundaries. You can ask what someone meant, or why he or she did or said something. Chances are your coworker will feel uncomfortable. If you can't muster the guts right now, you can come back to it later. Don't be offensive, but stay calm. That's how you come across as strong.

Tip 3: Don't get emotional

This may be a tricky one, but an important one. Showing your emotions can actually encourage a bully. Do you feel you are emotional? Then postpone a confrontation. It can also help to practice what you are going to say to someone. You then experience what it feels like to say what you say, and it takes away the worst emotion.

Tip 4: State the facts

Don't say how you feel. You can tell that to a friend. To nip bullying in the bud, it is better to remain businesslike. For example: “You then told me that I was not allowed to go on the department outing, but you really crossed a line with that. You can't do that.”
Keeping a journal can help you stick to the facts. You then have the details of what happened and with whom, allowing you to focus on the facts and not the emotion.

Tip 5: Talk to someone you trust

Of course, you should also talk about the emotions. That's nice to breathe. But do that with someone you trust, preferably someone from your private circle.  

Tip 6: Watch your health

If you feel unhappy, it often has repercussions on your physical condition. Make sure you continue to take good care of yourself. Eat healthy, get enough sleep, keep moving and keep looking for the fresh air. It also applies the other way around; if you are physically fit, you will benefit mentally and emotionally.  

Tip 7: Stay tidy

It may be very tempting to speak ill of someone who bullies you. If you fall into that trap, chances are it will reflect negatively on you. It's important that you don't turn people against each other, even if someone else does to you. Also, don't post accusatory things about your coworkers on Facebook or anywhere else online. Try to radiate to the outside world that you are above it, that makes you appear strong.

In the coming weeks we will share more tips and information on this topic. We also give tips for employers, supervisors or colleagues. Do you have questions about this? Then be sure to ask your contact person at Actief Werkt! or Actief Techniek .

Contact someone from Actief Techniek or Actief Werkt!

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