

Safety is an important theme for our flex colleagues and our clients. As an employer of more than 7,000 flex workers, we are committed to ensuring that they work safely. It is a responsibility that we share with our customers and our people. Safety is always paramount and prevention is better than cure.


You want to be able to rely on attention to working safely from all your staff. So also your flexible staff. Flex colleagues must therefore be properly instructed and, where necessary, be VCA certified. The work must be carried out in accordance with the safety regulations and rules of conduct that are used within your organization. Een good quality selection and provision of information beforehand is of great importance.  

A healthy and safe working environment is a requirement to be able to deliver quality work. Not only in the physical workplace or environment, but also in terms of atmosphere and management from the management. Happy flex colleagues result in high(er) productivity and quality. This also reduces unwanted turnover and absenteeism. The absenteeism rate among our flex colleagues in 2018 was only 2.48% on average.


VCU certified

Actief Werkt! is VCU certified and employs a quality manager who monitors everything in the field of safety. The entire team is in possession of a valid VIL certificate. We do not deploy any flex colleagues without informing them about the house rules, working conditions and safety aspects.  

Below you will find an overview for guaranteeing safety in the workplace. The role of Actief Werkt! is informational and organizing. Leadership and supervision are your responsibility. We expect the flex colleague to have an intrinsic motivation to perform the work safely and responsibly. In the diagram below we have detailed the moments at which we want to pay attention to working safely: from the first contact moment to the progress during the various planned discussions between Actief Werkt , your organization and the flex colleague.


VCA certificate

A VCA certificate can apply to your new flex colleagues. For starters, this means that VCA must be obtained within 3 months after the start of the temporary employment contract. This work process can of course be customized for your organization. If you find it important to train a flex colleague VCA at the start of the work, this can be initiated via Actief Werkt! . There is also a possibility to train the flex colleague after the induction period. Your need is leading in this.  


An important instrument is measuring employee and customer satisfaction. We measure   loyalty with the Net Promoter Score or NPS method. By regularly asking our flex colleagues and customers the NPS question (would you recommend Actief Werkt ?), we receive constant feedback on important elements in the collaboration. This way we know what we are doing well and can therefore expand. But just as important: we also hear where we can improve. We receive feedback on our own organization as well as on our customers. The comments we get are picked up by the intermediary. We inform the flex colleague and customer who provided the input. This is appreciated and creates bonding.


ISO certificate             NEN