
Painter Assen

Do you want to work as an apprentice, assistant or all-round painter? Then follow a painting course! Do you live in Assen ? Then you can follow the training at Actief Techniek in Groningen , where your travel costs will be reimbursed. We think it is important for the training that you are motivated. We are happy to give you a chance. If you are interested in our basic training, you will learn the intricacies of the trade in the workshop during the first 12 weeks. You will then go on an internship for 12 weeks. Are you interested? Then sign up for our training as a painter near Assen .

  • Your tuition is paid by us
  • We arrange work clothes and tools for you
  • Any travel costs will be reimbursed

Painter Assen adults

You will learn the basics at our painter's training near Assen for adults from 18 years old. Do you already have experience as a painter? Then you can specialize further by following a training or   training via Actief Techniek   . Feel free to contact us for more information about the possibilities. Do you have no experience as a painter yet? Then sign up. We start every year with our painting training near Assen for adults.

Painter Assen working and learning

Do you prefer to combine learning with work? Then you're in the right place with our painting training near Assen . You will work and learn, and you will soon be able to put into practice what you have learned. In the first 12 weeks you will gain knowledge that you will put into practice during your internship in the following 12 weeks. A six-month contract with one of our clients is also part of our   training as a painter near Assen . This way you go from working and learning to a paid job quickly!

Can't find the training you want to follow at Actief Techniek ? Please feel free to   contact us   . We would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.